Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Book of Job

Q: How do you react to God's show of strength and power-his boasting, his intimidation, his aggressive behavior-at the end of the story? Is it an appropriate response to Job? What does this show say about God and his relationship to man?

R: Keeping the courses name in mind I find the ending between God and Job to be somewhat of order and chaos. God is meant to be the all powerful order and Job has been forced into a more chaotic world because of the sudden shifts in his life. God's over powering demeanor is basically his way of placing down the order of his world. In the world that God created, God is the God. A one. A whole. Not to be questioned or reasoned with, just to be thanked and obeyed. Job thus is in action a force of chaos born from the chaos his life became for he did nothing wrong but was wronged himself. The lack of order, for he prayed and feared God doing all that was in his power to do right by God, allowed Job to question and to ask why. This difference between the two seem to show a never ending paradox. The relationship between God and Job is that of a master and he whom must obey. Job is rewarded in the end.


  1. Oh duuuuh.
    I didn't even think of using order and chaos to evaluate the end of the book. How silly am I?
    Geez, your blog blows mine out of the water =]

    I agree.
    God is the order and Job is the chaos.

    I am still not sure how a higher being such as God could be so easily persuaded to test his most loyal follower in such a horrible way, but I guess we shouldn't criticize less we be next =P

  2. I agree with both of you, but I do think that God acted so quickly on the angels suggestion because he wanted to prove that no matter how hard things can be for his followers, they will still praise his name no matter what. I also think that God's response to Job in the end of the story was appropriate because although Job lost basically everything, he could do absolutely nothing by saying "why me?"

  3. I also like how you tied the name of the course into your evaluation, and that you were able to label God as Order and Job as Chaos.
