Monday, January 25, 2010

Prof. Denis' Lecture

Prof. Denis gave a lecture on the horrors of the holocaust and those that fought off the seemingly never ending tide of inhuman actions through the rebellion of art. Prof. Denis teaches a course on the topic, but even though he has covered the topic more than once in classes his emotional struggle over the holocaust and the acts committed there could easily be seen. The art shown in the slide show was mainly rough and on simple supplies such as cardboard and work slips. Although there were hundreds of pictures that survived the different death camps unlike some of their artists, it is unknown how many drawings and paintings did not. While some artists were employed in the camps while they were impressed there, not all made pictures for visiting Nazi officers or drawings of victims for Nazi experiments. The more powerful art from these centers of humanity's crime were those that were made in secret, documenting the disturbing acts of the Nazis and even those of other prisoners. The over all affect of the lecture was that of awe no matter how many times a person read about life during the holocaust.

(picture from Windows Vista)

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