Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Q: Wiesel states that he sympathized with Job. After reading The Book of Job, how would you describe the similarities/differences between Wiesel and Job and their relationship to God? Compare the reactions of Job and Wiesel to their suffering and to the way their suffering affected their fate.

R: Both Wiesel and Job seemed to be without crime but were punished any way. Both suffered greatly with their punishments and losses, and both came to questioning God as to why all of this had happened to them. Wiesel however was being wronged purely by man, unlike Job who had both nature and man against him. Where Job had to live on as the only one around feeling such misery, Wiesel lived with hundreds of others that felt the crushing blow of being wronged. Job's reaction to these events in his life was similar to Wiesel, but where as he was not watching himself and those around him change into something less than. Both Wiesel and Job questioned God and why he allowed for such things to happen to humans on earth.

(picture from avanimation. avsupport. com)

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