Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Reflection of Franklin and Juhan

Although Franklin and Juhan had different ways of expressing themselves, their views were basically the same. Franklin believed that one should work to drive negative elements of the character out of one's self in order to become a more perfect version of the self. Juhan believed that as we grow, we learn to avoid past ignorance and personal failures and become a more well rounded version of the self. Doing this allows for the growth of one's 'self' whether it be simply by growing or by working to rid one's self of their faults. I feel, however, that by doing such to order the mind and body, one is in fact (like Juhan believed) destroying a part of itself. The self of chaos. The self of chaos may sound like something to get rid of as both Franklin and Juhan worked to do, but the self of chaos is the basic natural form of the human mind. Can a person break away from their natural roots completely and convert to the self of order? Perhaps. Perhaps not.
Here are some of my own records of changing the self by ending habits found negative.

(sheets to be viewed at a later date)

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